Creating CA using CFSSL

11/14/20232 min read

CFSSL is a utility from cloudflare with which you can create and manage a CA. It has a quite simple and intuitive CLI, which is much more convenient and easier to use than openssl. I'll show you right away creating a CA and issuing certificates for the needs of an OpenVPN server.

CFSSL is just a binary compiled from GO sources. In the Debian 12 repositories, it lives under the name golang-cfssl:

# apt install golang-cfssl

( You can manually download a fresh binary.

For cfssl, you need to prepare configs in json format. This will need to be done 1 time. There is no interactive input like EasyRSA.

Create a simple config for CA release:



"CN": "My Root CA",

"key": {

"algo": "rsa",

"size": 2048


"ca": {

"expiry": "87600h"


"names": [


"C": "US",

"L": "Denver",

"O": "MCSimple Company",

"OU": "OpenVPN",

"ST": "Denver"





Save as ca-csr.json. The validity period is 10 years.

Generate a key for the CA:


# mkdir keys && cd keys

# cfssl gencert -initca ca-csr.json | cfssljson -bare ca


Check 3 files:

▪️ ca-key.pem - private key for signing certificates

▪️ ca.pem - certificate of the certifying center

▪️ ca.csr - certificate request

Prepare the configuration of profiles that will be needed for the server and client certificates:



"signing": {

"profiles": {

"server": {

"expiry": "87600h",

"usages": [

"digital signature",

"key encipherment",

"server auth"



"client": {

"expiry": "87600h",

"usages": [


"client auth"







Save as ca.json.

Create a config for the request, the same as for the CA, but remove the section with the CA:



"CN": "My Root CA",

"key": {

"algo": "rsa",

"size": 2048


"names": [


"C": "US",

"L": "Denver",

"O": "MCSimple Company",

"OU": "OpenVPN",

"ST": "Denver"





Save as csr.json.

Issue a server certificate:


# cfssl gencert -ca=ca.pem -ca-key=ca-key.pem \

-config=ca.json -profile="server" \

-cn="openvpn.server.local" -hostname="openvpn" \

csr.json | cfssljson -bare server


check 3 files:


# ls | grep server





Issue a certificate for the client:


#cfssl gencert -ca=ca.pem -ca-key=ca-key.pem \

-config=ca.json -profile="client" \

-cn="client01" -hostname="User 01" \

csr.json | cfssljson -bare client01




# ls | grep client01





That's all. We have prepared a certification center and issued client and server certificates. It looks really more convenient and simpler EasyRSA.