Setting Up WiFi in Your Cafe

Commercial offer

11/30/20231 min read

Cafe owners, have you wanted to provide WiFi for your customers but struggle with issues like slow speeds, overloaded networks, or controlling usage? I have the solution for you - a ticket based hotspot system!

Here's how it works and the benefits for your cafe:

Customers purchase access tickets from your counter when they order drinks or food. Each ticket has a unique code to connect to your dedicated cafe hotspot for 1 hour of high-speed connectivity.

You can set appropriate pricing based on your costs - for example $3 for 1 hour of WiFi. You control exactly how many customers can be online simultaneously so the network never slows down.

MikroTik routers - the latest powerful WiFi 6 routers that can easily handle HD streaming, video calls, and more without hiccups even at peak usage. This hotspot system is completely separate from your business network for security.

Customers will love the fast, reliable connectivity they now expect from cafes. You'll generate additional revenue from hotspot ticket sales and build loyalty with regular customers - especially remote workers and students needing connectivity.

Contact me today for a free consultation on rolling out a branded, managed hotspot for your cafe using our turnkey solutions that require minimum effort from your staff. Soon you'll provide a reliable new service bringing value to all patrons.